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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  September 7, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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roasting out here on the die deck in full sunshine. temperatures in the lower 90's. humidity crept up as well. certainly does not feel like we are saying good bye to summer weather even though we are saying good bye to summer vacation. i remember growing up in phoenixville will trying to wear my fall clothes, sweater, boots, whole 9 yards. you will in the wear them tomorrow for your first day of school. you will want summer gear because 90's will stay with us. as we have seen folks trying to stretch their summer vacation as long as they can. beach is crowded here looking at the our live neighborhood network from the beach patrol headquarters in margate. beautiful afternoon on the beach, storm scan three shows entire region is clear. nothing but sunshine outside right now. temperatures responding to the outside with the sun at 90. allentown as well. eighty-nine in wilmington. down short we have temperatures in the 80's. more comfortable with the breeze off water, 81 in stone harbor. seventy-nine in ocean city. dew point from his this time yesterday across the area in the city and northern suburbs have jumped zero to
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15 degrees, that is why it feels so much steamier and uncomfortable out here today then this time yesterday. your first forecast for tonight warm, steamy still 85 at 7:00 p.m. back to the 90's by 9:00. seventy-five at 11:00. heading to the phillies game this evening we have hot weather but dry weather for labor day ballgame. eyewitness weather regional forecast for tomorrow hot in the city, steamy down the shore in the poconos as well as continuing that vacation, coming up we will tell you how long heat wave lasts if it will be a heat wave but when it will be a hint of fall creeping in the forecast, perhaps in the seven day coming up in a few minutes, back inside to you. >> hint of fall, kate, thanks very much. this labor day tons of people down the shore enjoying beautiful weather. it could not be any nicer. new jersey reporter cleve bryan is getting in his beach vacation in while at work in ocean city more on today's fun, cleve. >> reporter: ukee, good gig if you can get it, and i have it. it is just a wonderful way, and, a lot of the nostalgia
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people here on the boardwalk getting ice cream, funnel cake and some bargain souvenirs. they try to hold on to summer 2015 which everybody says was a great one. whether riding a board, reading a good book, or doing your best to do nothing at all, the the beach was the the place to be this labor day. >> great, beautiful weather. very proud of down here but it was great. >> great time, weather is perfect, you can sit here and enjoy it. >> reporter: boardwalk was also packed with family's small, large or like the mark wits, extra large. >> we have a lot of beach time in and thinks our son henry, his first labor day weekend. >> we have been coming down to ocean city and margate basically every weekend. this is place to be in the summer. >> reporter: beach towns have been reporting record breaking visits. tourism officials say that this season easily surpassed last year tourism mark of $6 billion in economic activities. >> businesses, it was great.
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>> reporter: how was summer overall. >> summer we had a great summer also. >> reporter: ocean city mayor jay gill an was the the best and busiest of them all. >> it has been amazing. it ended with a bang. >> reporter: that wind will blow you off the beach through the boardwalk. ocean city officials say now is beginning of their second season, the bump season which is all about events. they will have hot run on the boardwalk next weekend so-so long to summer but not so long to the shore. reporting live from ocean city, i'm cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> that sound like a if compromise, thanks very much. many people who spent the long weekend town the shore are now on their way home. chopper three live over route 42 and 55 in deptford township gloucester county. you can see there traffic moving slowly, maybe a little extra time for trip home, for a lot of people tonight. roads on the parkway still closed tonight as clean up continues from this weekend's made in america festival. city employees and neighbors
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are cleaning up from the festivities, crews packed up bottles, cans and trash and broke down five stages that showcased more than five dozen big names including beyonce. >> i like that they are really trying to revive the area. it brings in a lot of people. it brings good press, good artists come to the city. >> reporter: crews will continue to keep much of the parkway closed in anticipation for another high parole file guest that would be the pope, made in america a attracted tens of thousands to the parkway, the pope will likely draw in hundreds of thousands. president obama is making changes for some employers on this labor day. the president signed an executive order that requires paid sick leave for employees of the federal contractors. he also spent the day in boston where he praised unions at the greater boston labor council breakfast. >> your parents, grandparents, great grandparents they are ones who gave us 409 hour workweek. they are ones who gave us overtime and minimum wage and
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all kind of things that folks now take for granted. it was those fights that gave us health insurance and social security and medicare and resame plans, all of those gains are union made. >> the new executive order will give pay sick leave to 300,000 employees. this labor day a fire forced families out of the row homes in southwest philadelphia two people including a fire fighter, suffer minor injuries, "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson is live at the scene with very latest, steve. >> reporter: jessica, fire investigators are telling us that this investigation here has started and that they are looking into what caused this. you can see what the results are. we expect to neighbors this morning who said they were caught up in the flames and the smoke, listen to this. >> loss on labor day. >> i'm actually feeling scared because i didn't know if anybody got hurt or not. >> reporter: neighbors in disbelief machine morning waking up to flames and smoke, crews called to the 4900 block
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of sabrandon at 9:30, fire fighters say it started in the unit at the end of this line of row homes and tore through the rest. >> the houses are done. >> reporter: this woman who didn't want to be identified made it out moments before the flames consumed their home. >> when i came out the the block was just filled with thick, dark smoke and i was able to get out of the block. >> reporter: labor day fire took its toll, five homes destroyed, displacing ten people in four families, including at least one child. one neighbor was treated for minor injuries similar to the fire fighter transported for heat exhaustion but there there was a silver lining somewhere in a all this smoke neighbors here somehow have found it. >> i'm doing okay and there was in loss of life. i'm happen bye that. >> they will get through it. i believe they will get through it. >> reporter: one last live look at this line of row homes, again, five homes, four families, ten people, affect, we will speak to officials
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with the red cross who say they are helping with food and shelter, all of those ten people this have afternoon. in the meantime fire marshall has started their investigation. reporting live from southwest philadelphia, i'm steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> very hard day, thanks steve. we know two people hid and kit wild a cab earlier this morning after attending made in america concert in philadelphia one of the victims is, local, police say 25 year-old amanda a girlamo of even if inningsville was killed at broad and arch at 4:30 this morning. a 25 year-old baltimore man was also kill. police say cabdriver stopped after that crash. >> he did in the leave the scene. so, we have a lot more then we would have, for all of those that do leave. >> witnesses tell police they saw the cab speeding prior to the accident but that is still under investigation. it is unclear, now who had the right of way, no charges have been filed at this time.
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coming up on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" west point officials vow to take disciplinary measures after an annual event turns violent. pillow fight where pillows were filled with american just feathers. and students go back to school, many parents are trying to tea side at what age they decide to give their child a cell phone. experts weigh in. pat. how well do you know your third string quarter back? that is coming up next here on "eyewitness news". we are celebrating, the 50th anniversary of our lady of czestochowa, right now i'm getting a tutorial on how you to do the poland aid, stay tuned i need to get better at this you will want to see this. don't go anywhere. happy labor day.
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to breathe with copd?ow hard it can be it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva respimat does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva respimat. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives, vision changes or eye pain or problems passing urine,
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stop taking spiriva respimat and call your doctor right away. side effects include sore throat, cough, dry mouth and sinus infection. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. to learn about spiriva respimat slow-moving mist, ask your doctor or visit authorities at u.s. military academy at west point vows action after a pillow fight turns violent. the event is an annual tradition meant to build comradery among freshman but some cadets filled them with hard objects. thirty were hurt during the august 20th fight, most suffered concussions. two san antonio texas high school football players are suspended from the team and their school after they are hits on a ref lee during a
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game this weekend. the you tube video shows one player leveling a ref, another one dives on him helmet first. before the referee was hit two others were eject from the team on two different plays. the referee says he wants to press charges. minnesota dentist who made headlines after killing cecil the lion says he is heading back to work. >> walter palmer made his intentions clear. he told reporters he will open up tomorrow saying he need to get back to his staff ape patients. palmer killed cecil in july and maintains the hunt was legal in zimbabwe. ohio woman and her partners are suing a chicago area sperm bank after she became pregnant with sperm donated by a black man instead of the white man month. man found out five months into her pregnancy in 2012 she had been inseminated with the wrong sperm. couple says they are concerned about raising their daughter in a predominantly white community. it seeks a minimum of $50,000 in damage.
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south jersey couple stranded in portugal after their child was born premature is now back home. medical trans port plane tar i go this family touched down yesterday. she gave birth to twins 13 weeks earl any may on a long vacation. one of the twins did not survive. couple was originally denied insurance for the flight but received it have after the case received widespread attention. well, as children head back to school some parents may try to decide fit is time to get their children a smart phone. cbs correspondent brian web, tells you what do you first think. >> reporter: computers an ipads are not hard to phone at this socowsky home but the mom draws line at smart phones for ten year-old jack and six year-old charles. >> they have enough electronics inside to play with that they don't need to sit outside on their cell phones. >> reporter: how does a parent know when a child is ready for a smart phone? pediatrician karen cross says it depend on the maturity of the child, but that the family makes the decisions around middle school.
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>> think about the situation their child is in and why it is you really want to get them the phone. do you want to get them the phone for safety? do you want to get them a phone to communicate with their friend and then make sure that they are ready to handle the responsibility, that you are giving them. >> reporter: doctor cross says set limits such as charging phone overnight in the common area and no texts at the dinner table. parents also need to discuss dangers of the cyber bullying. parents should be up front with their children and if they plan to check their text, e-mails or even if calls. >> i think that is a good thing to say i have a right to look and see if you are sending inappropriate text, so don't do anything embarrassed by me seeing. >> reporter: jack says many of his friend have smart phones but he is okay for his ipad for now. >> only person i'm texting is my best friend about my stuff report report they hope they can put off getting jack a smart phone for a few more years. brian web for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> times have changed. >> yes. >> i just remember having a
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dime and a phone booth boot. >> find the phone and butt the dime in. >> fun and food in doylestown today. >> polish american festival is in full swing and our vittoria woodill is live in doylestown and this is great day to celebrate their heritage, vittoria. >> absolutely, a great day for polish family and friend and you don't have to be polish. i'm italian, irish but i feel polish today. we are celebrating 50th anniversary on labor day on our lady of czestochowa and everybody is having a super fun time and they are having everything here. we will talk about food later but they have rides, galore. and if you want to take familiarity troy somewhere, where you can jump into ride this is where you want ton. i, myself was watching family from a far and had to get in the mix and maybe i jumped on the slide myself. i'm just saying. we are having a beautiful time here at the festival here and it is a county fair, that they have food, they have fun, the the rides are only one thing that they have here at our
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lady of czestochowa shrine. it is a fantastic way to celebrate summer. it is a summer celebration send off on this labor day where family and friends alike can enjoy each other, have a good time and celebrate polish culture. again, of course, i had to myself jump on the slide and take a ride down who cannery cyst that. that is the fun we have here at our lady of czestochowa. i want to bring your attention to teresa boychick, and she is master of ceremonies and i want to thank you so much for having you here. >> we're glad to have you wonderful. we want to enjoy who we have behind us. >> we have with us a dance group from poland. thinks an academic group from college students from pol and. they play with live accompany. they have their own group. their directory is henrik. they are dancing the polynesian a, the natural dance of poland. >> this is what myself and
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adam were trying to do earlier on. i want to show off to you a little bit. maybe if you want to come on this side and i will put the to work what they taught me. so, here we go, this is it. ready. it might just be me. >> okay everyone, time to do it. i'll send it back to you guys. um summer celebration at our lady of chest who have a it is a fantastic time. i'm sure you are loving my outfit and several others. bye, now. everybody wave. >> that young man behind you, he is doing the nana. >> he absolutely is. >> he is like, nana to go. >> yes. >> welcome back. >> great week down the shore. the beautiful. nice and warm last week. nice and warm this week. ninety's again. summer started late.
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we didn't after lot of 90's in the beginning but now making up for lost time.ot of 90's in we have 90's on the way for tomorrow as well. if you are heading back to work and school, definitely you will need summer gear tomorrow and nine 50's will last through wednesday. then some changes by end of the the week. let get to it and start things off an area that is still, pretty hopping this evening. the boardwalk is looking more sparse then recent days. well, here on saturday night and that boardwalk was completely packed saturday night. it seems like people left the shore starting to make your way home and beat traffic earlier today as reality hits home that summer has come to an even. summer vacancies on is closing down on us as we speak, it is last day of it, and tomorrow a lot of kid start school a lot of kid went back to school last week or back after the long weekend but still beautiful shot in ocean city. you can see how breezy it is with the camera shaking on the live neighborhood network. nice shot out toward the delaware river. the philadelphia sky line is in the distance. we have folks out on the river today. great day for. that great day for however you
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chose to celebrate, this labor day. storm scan three clear all across our region and clear across most of the greater north east as well. temperatures in the 90's. ninety at the airport. ninety in wilmington. eighty-nine in trenton. eighty-five in atlantic city. that is what it feels like at least. humidity not as bad as it will be tomorrow and it will continue to climb through the next couple of days. right now we're feeling true to temp so to speak but heading down to the fill games tonight they are taking on the braves. 7:05. 86 degrees. lots of sunshine. it is hot. sunset is 7:23 tonight. those sunset times getting earlier and earlier, once those sun goes down it will cool off a bit. after today being in the 90's mostly sunny, tomorrow is the same story. we will see dark red shade ago cross the northeast, high once again climb in the lower 90's. tomorrow another full day of sun, few more clouds will creep in on wednesday, as this front approaches, we will see partly sunny skies, highs still in the lower 90's. cannot rule out a stray thunderstorm on wednesday this front will go through the hot, humid air mass and it will
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take its time. so thursday, probably the most steamy day we will this have week. here's how it will feel. humid for tomorrow. wednesday, we're up to the oppressive range and near insufferable on thursday getting better by friday. if you are down hot shore tomorrow, stretching out that vacation, mostly sunny and steamy at 58 degrees. in the city tonight we're talking about 07, mainly clear, warm, muggy for tomorrow lots of sunshine hot and humid at 92 degrees. you're witness weather three day forecast is there two more days in the 90's. if we hit it both tomorrow and wednesday it will make it another heat wave as we have hit 90's today and then thursday, that is when showers and storms creep in and we have got big changes which i'll tell but coming up in the seven day forecast by the time we hit next week even. >> they have a wave of heat wave. >> yes. >> a little touch of a autumnal bliss in the future. >> okay. >> autumnal bliss. >> thank you, katie. still ahead on "eyewitness news" drone danger, safety concerns after a drone crashes
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in a college foot the ballgame. a new app could prevent dangerous devicees from taking flight, pat. yes, tim tebow is gone and while some will miss him it is on to a new third stringer. we will tell you more about steven morris coming up next. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles.
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just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free.
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the road to hell is paved with good intentions. mr. president, we know you tried to make a good deal with iran. whose leaders stone women, hang homosexuals, sponsor mass terrorism, scream for the destruction of israel and death to america. so, what if you're wrong? and they can't be trusted? senator casey, don't trust iran. vote this down.
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when it comes to tebow time the clock has stopped at least in philadelphia. >> yes, for now. >> no, but we talked about it, you get down to the third string quarterback you you are in trouble. >> tim tebow new gone and so goes one of the most famous third string quarterback bat unless nfl history which has no real winner. event are steven minister is a former jacksonville jaguar who becomes backup to both sam bradford and mark sanchez. after a decent preseason showing eagles decided tim tebow was in the right for the third string quarterback spot. even after dealing matt
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barclay to the cardinals tebow was not long for the roster. ray diddinger and glenn macknow said they understand the decision. >> he did work hard and improve as a quarterback, but i think, i think chip finally reached a point and i think you said it forthrightly in the press conference, right now he is just in the good enough. >> it was good that the coach gave him a chance. i admire tebow for trying one more time to make it in the league and ultimately he wasn't good enough. now he knows that he tried his best to to it and it is just not going to happen. >> reporter: bird turn to steven morris as their last quarterback on the roster and he is a player many are unfamiliar w he does come with a will solid pedigree having played in the university of miami. >> he has a strong arm and he has some mobility. i wouldn't say he ace i great runner but enough of a runner to get out of trouble, get out of the pocket and get to the edge and make some plays out there one characteristic of steven more is in miami he was
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wildly inconsistent. >> reporter: move to morris isn't sitting well with all fans. >> it was president right and for steven morris a third string jags quarterback that wasn't good enough to make the team. i think tebow did enough in the season and work throughout the camp to really she himself. >> as you can tell some just can't let go of tebow but they will have to as it is on to steven morris and he went undrafted in 2013 and was let go by jags and project but thought is he has more upside then the 28 year-old tim tebow. so that is fingers crossed you don't get that far down but they just thought tim tebow has reach his apex, that is what he will be at 28 years old. >> do you think somebody will give him another shot. >> i think that is it for him. chip said cfl. that is the canadian league. >> we will see him comment taiting with the networks. >> thanks, pat. >> wait is almost over. >> stephen colbert is one day away from the late night show,
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coming up, what experts say he need to do to win late night. also this. i'm charlotte hoffman, i'll explain just how steps from the highway this parking lot is being used to provide food for the home less. and, new at 6:00 o'clock he is a diehard flyers fan but he wants to buy the pittsburgh penguins? devious scheme that has a backup plan at 6:00.
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padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. welcome to fort green sheets. welcome to castle bravestorm. it's full of cool stuff, like my second in command...
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and my trusty bow. and free of stuff i don't like. and in my castle we only eat chex cereal. chex cereal. it's full of delicious crunchability. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. and that's something even my brother ... sister can understand. mom, brian threw a ball in the house!
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that's a fact. but this whole "blondes have more fun" thing... ♪ standing by for fun. ♪ a fire happened at 9:30 this morning at 50th and sedgwick avenue. two people suffered a, fire injury, and people are being help by red cross. fire marshall is investigating. crews are cleaning up the parkway from the made in america festival this weekend. some of the parkway will remain closed as around the clock preparations for the
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pope, continues. well, many bidding summer farewell by enjoying summer down the shore. cape may county officials say season's tourism surpassed last years $6 billion in economic activity, kate. >> we have had a great slew of summer weekend and this weekend noise different finishing out the summer vacationer season. we will talk about the steamy air sticking around for a few days and thunderstorms arrive through the week and maybe a hint of fall or just slightly cooler weather again in the seven day forecast, i will have that in a few minutes. >> chopper three over breaking news right now a brush fire in wood land township burlington county. this is happened on the road north of route 72. we know about 60 to 80 acres have been affect by this brush fire a command post has been set up now at, the air feel. we will keep an eye on this we will bring you more information as soon as we get it.
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race for the white house heat up as summer comes to an end. hillary clinton is hoping to turn over a new leaf as she's trailing bernie sanners in a key early voting state and losing ground to sanders in another. cbs news correspondent craig boswell has the latest from washington. >> reporter: bernie sanders began his labor day having breakfast with afl-cio members in new hampshire abe building his lead in the granite state. latest poll shows sanders at 49 percent and hillary clinton at 38 percent. >> it is not just poll numbers, i think energy, enthusiasm our campaign is generating is growing. >> reporter: vermont senator is gaining ground in iowa where clinton is working hard, also meeting with union members. she remains the front run inner iowa but her lead has been cut in half. during a stop in pittsburgh vice-president joe biden, was asked, if he is getting into the race. >> i talk to my wife about that and i've got to talk to
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my wife about that. >> reporter: he started off with union leaders and fired up steel workers. >> when middle class does well the wealthy do very well and the poor have a way up. so, organize, organize, organize. god love you. >> reporter: if biden runs he will need to raise money quickly and labor unions have traditionally opened wallets for democrats giving 61 million-dollar to the party in 2012. biden says he will make a decision by the end of the summer. craig boswell for cbs news, washington. stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the 2016 campaign when we're not on tv find updates and more about the candidates at rbs overseas germany and france agreed to accept more migrants scaping syria orr war torn countries. in more than 4,000 migrants arrived today, another 1500 have been route todd other cities in germany. german authorities say they expect up to 8,000
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applications, for asylum this year. france says it will take in 24,000 refugees over the the next two years. pope francis is expect to release a new streamlined process for annulling marriages tomorrow. this comes after he and generations of catholics before him complained about the church's currencies tell saying it is costly and unfair. vatican says the commission of ten layers, spent past year studying ways to simplify that process. septa has a tip for pope ticket buyers, you don't have to go to scalper to get one of those ticket. the hundreds of people on e bay and craigs list are selling them for $40. the here's the thing, the ticket are not sold out. a septa spokesperson is urging those who are interested in the ticket, to get to their web site and pay the standard rate at $10 a particular. save yourself money. nineteen days and counting now we are just over three weeks away from the pope's historic visit and we will be there with you every step of
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the way, "eyewitness news" has a guide at cbs to help you plan. a asphalt in the city may not be place you expect to see fruits and vegetables growing but that is exactly is what happening thanks to an urban garden. our charlotte huffman takes you there. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> awesome. >> reporter: for a split second, you might think thaw are in the country side but underneath center city sky scrapers, vegetables like these are being harvested. >> ahh, look at that, wow. that is awesome. >> reporter: it is just steps from i676 and in the middle of the chine town parking lot. >> it vice hot because we have hot concrete, right. super hot. >> reporter: complete with the irrigation system and all, this woman created the urban farm in february and now, fruits, vegetables sprout from vines attached to a cinder block wall. >> she has cantelopes this big growing on the wall. >> reporter: sunday breakfast
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rescue mission gave ung the space and she and volunteers have provided 800-pound of flesh produce which comes here. >> it is from our garden. >> reporter: to the mission's soup kitchen. from the homeless who come to the mission it is about feeding, and educating them. >> they will come out and we will teach them how to grow the plants. so when they transition out and they get a home and some have families they can pennsylvania make their own gardens and understand and appreciate how life comes from a weed. >> reporter: like a saying goes give a man a fish and he eat for a day but teach a man how to fish and feed him for a lifetime. turning part of this blacktop into a farm like this one wasn't cheap. it cost about $10,000. it was all made possible from donation from his several community groups. live from center city, i'm charlotte huffman for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you, charlotte, very nice. still to come tonight the type of wine that is so
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popular it is disappearing from store shelves. >> it is a growing concern, drones crashing in at sporting events. how an app can prevent them from breaking the the law with the flying devices. >> life guard, are setting the a alarm about rip currents, katie. and, there has been a problem all through this holiday weekend and so has heat and humidity, it will stay steam any to tomorrow and right through the weekend and tracking chance for rain later this workweek, i'll have more coming up with the seven day forecast in just a few minutes.
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here in vineland, new jersey, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. it's white breast meat chicken every time. because white breast meat chicken releases its flavor into the broth and absorbs more flavor from it. and in vineland, it's all about flavor so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso.
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it's gotten squarer. over the years. brighter. bigger. thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks.
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x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. apple fans have something to be excited about again. >> company has another super secret press events this week and big announcement could becoming. in the past apple used events like this to introduce new phones or iphone upgrades. the company could also announce a new apple tv and
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even a large ipad pro. whatever it is, the event starts at 1:00 eastern time on wednesday. well, a sure sign summer is over star bucks pull skin spies lattes return. they have removed artificial flavors and colors and added real pumpkin this year. they are the mess popular seasonal, at number star bucks history. we're told a stall pumpkin spice latte checks in at 300 calories. a lot of people like to pair summer with a grace of rosea and so many people are doing this, they are having trouble keeping it in stock. how about that, last few years sales jumped 80 per september for rosea, the at the wolfer state vineyard in the hamptons they will sellout by even of the summer. we will be right back.
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gummy multivitaminrst ever from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. mmmm yoplait hello, everybody. milk cow here with an important announcement about how yoplait original now has 25% less of the sugar. less sugar?? yes. but don't worry it still tastes good. oh that is great news, milk cow.
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enjoy! i will. mmmmmmmm! it tastes good! i know. yoplait!
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cannot help but stop people in their track. take a look at this amazing sunflower field in kansas. farmer ted has been planting a million sunflower seed every year for more than three decade. the beautiful backdrop stays this bright for about a week,
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every year. the only thing he asks in return, is that visitors to his farm leave 1 dollar. >> want to sol a rubix cube yourself. a champion report on these drone dangers and what the faa is doing all bit. >> some fans in the university of kentucky's commonwealth stadium spotted the drone in the air, moments before it crashed. the university says that a student was supplying the the drone when it went down on the suite level of the stadium saturday night. >> we were fortunate that it
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landed where it did. >> reporter: school officials say police spotted the student who was flying the device, no one was hurt, this is photo of the drone after the crash and this picture shows it the in the air above a crowd of thousands, just before kick off, of the fat ballgame. >> something bad could have happened and we are fortunate it did in the but clear reason why you cannot have those in the near a stadium on a game day. >> reporter: the the incident is later of the string of the drone encounters. the just last week a drone crashed during a match at u.s. open in new york city, no one was hurt but the crash briefly delayed the match. the faa is currently testing an app called before you fly, that would let drone users know if they are flying in restrict air space. don champion for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". dangerous rip currents on the del marva coastline had life guard on high alert this weekend. on than saturday it turns tragic for one family in ocean city, maryland. officials confirmed a seven
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year-old girl drowned at southern inlet. they say child was swept away after 5:30 a.m. after life guard left for the day. meanwhile down the shore life guard are warning beach goers about these dangerous currents. "eyewitness news" in ocean city this afternoon, and there we expect to one life guard said they put up green flags to warn people where the rip currents are. he also says that there are several ways to avoid swimming in dangerous parts of the ocean. >> if you are looking for a rip current they are usually swishing water, discolored water, a little gray, but if you stay within the green flags what he do our best to keep you safe at all times. >> life guard also recommend finding a guarded beach, and says all downtown beach necessary ocean city will have have life guard from 10:00 to 5:00 next week. be careful out there. >> got that right, talking about rip currents not too long ago. >> this weekend it was really bad, down the shore high risk on saturday to sunday. still moderate wrist this being evening as well. if you are out and about enjoying labor day holiday
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with those life guard you don't want to let the kid go in the water. we will take a look at our rip current risk. yellow shading indicating where that maryland rate risk is, extending from long island down through the northern new jersey beaches and lbi and into south jersey, atlantic county, cape may county beaches still at maryland rate risk right now. that may continue into thomas we have a gusty breeze from the south into your tuesday and that could keep those, rip currents, keep that ocean churned up, the breeze this weekend really add to go that threat. lets check with our eyewitness weather watchers and see what is going on this afternoon on this labor day. love our eyewitness weather watchers taking time out to send us their weather reports. quite hot in a few locations. barbara lane is in willow grove at 90 degrees right now. she has full sunshine. she send thus lovely photo showing what we have been seeing all day today that clear crystal blue skies, just a beautiful day in willow grove and across the area thanks to barbara for. that lets head down in delaware where we have
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89 degrees. this is greg mccoy he has 89 and sunny. another gorgeous summer day gentle breeze, helping effects the intense sun. the breeze did help a bit but when wind died down and full sun it was hot outside. he send thus beautiful shot of the baltimore clipper butterflies feeding on flowers. always learn something newest specially about gardening. never saw a flower like that before but thank you for greg for. that let's check with jason in middletown delaware at 92 degrees. full sun right there. down the shore, of course, 80-degree, james is in ocean city. he has sunshine as well. notice how much cooler. 21 miles an hour win at james's place in ocean city. definitely feeling a little breezy. thank you for all who visited ocean city this season. what a gorgeous summer it has been outside. lets look at our roof camera at cbs broadcast center right now. beautiful evening in philadelphia, clear blue skies as far as eye can see. we are not seeing cloud out there right now. similarly at kutztown area
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middle school in the live neighborhood network skies are completely clear as well, 86 degrees there. we are going back to school perhaps tomorrow across the area and you will see lots of sun like today but it will be steamy. storm scan three, we will get not much to show you here. temperatures very warm, 90 at the airport. eighty-six millville. ninety in reading right now. little cooler down the shore thanks to that gusty breeze off 79-degree ocean. eighty-one in stone harbor. eighty-two in cape may. wind and rip current risk down the the shore. moving forward in time tomorrow afternoon 2:00 p.m. full sun, nothing to war bit watch what happens wednesday. we will start morning with clouds and fog. afternoon few scattered showers and thunderstorms will pop up. in the a huge deal yesterday but with the approach of the front but thursday our front is directly overhead. we have showers at anytime perhaps steady rain later thursday afternoon. that is your best chance to pick up rain this week and you can see temperatures will respond to that front as they move through by friday, we will see temperature drop your
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best chance for rain is on thursday at 75 degrees. the lets peak at the tropic. we have got activity here, this is tropical storm grace right now. the in the looking all that strong at the in moment but wind certainly are picking up and definitely strong enough for tropical storm force. 45 miles an hour sustain. gusts to 60. central pressure at ten on four millibars moving due west but it is expect to weaken by thursday afternoon to a tropical depression before it impacts the lesser antilles. that is good news. it will weaken, still will bring heavy rain and strong wind to that area overnight the mainly clear, muggy in the city at 70 degrees. for your tuesday looking great, nine two lots of sunshine. hot and humid. full day of sun. blue skies. in of that fall air to enjoy just yet but watch what happens by even of the seven day. wednesday chance for thunderstorm, better chance on thursday, at 86 degrees. friday sun returning with 83 and more seasonal saturday looks good, can't rule out shower sunday but early next week we will be in the 70's,
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monday and tuesday and then may feel at least a little bit more autumnal outside. we will send it back to you at the desk. >> great weather for a cook out. a afl-cio hosted annual labor take celebration in northampton. more than 40 unions were represented at yearly lehigh valley event. 300 tons of sand are transformed into works of art for final weekend of the summer. sculptors around the world flocked to san diego for the fourth annual u.s. sand sculpting challenge and 3-d artists, exhibition, at the pier, just amazing details. if you look at these, it is amazing. they are on display through today. >> nicely done. well, it is excitement building here and every where. >> that it is. >> tomorrow night is a huge night here on cbs-3. >> the wait is is just about over, stephen colbert takes over as host have the late show tomorrow night. i'm susan marquez inside ed sullivan theater. we have much more coming up.
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here in vineland, new jersey where progresso light soups are made,
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we'll never give up our cheddar, our cream, and especially our bacon. so we figured out a way to add rich ingredients like this into 22 light soups, all with 100 calories or less per serving. so if you want to eat light and not give up rich flavor, do what we do...make it progresso.
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gummy multivitaminrst ever from centrum. a complete, and tasty new way to support... your energy... immunity... and metabolism like never before. centrum multigummies. see gummies in a whole new light. my name is phil zietlow, and i've been an engineer on the cheerios team for 51 years. about five years ago, i found out that if my daughter-in-law, joyce, eats anything with gluten in it she feels pretty darn terrible. so my team and i came up with a way to remove the grains that contain gluten, from the naturally gluten free oats that cheerios are made of.
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so now joyce and i can have cheerios together anytime we want. and if you love someone with celiac, or gluten sensitivity, you can too. we are counting down the late show with stephen colbert premiers tomorrow night, watch it every weekday, right here on cbs-3 at "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we are told the premiere will run a bit long so if you dvr, extend the the recording just a little bit. check this out, show you marquis, stage is set in new york city. colbert will take the stage in the newly renovated ed
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sullivan theater which had been home to david letterman for more than two decades. >> cbs news correspondent susan marquette talked to colbert about how he has prepared for tomorrow's debut. >> jon stewart may have given his... >> reporter: stephen colbert said he asked his former boss john john stewart for pointers as he prepared to take over cbs the late show. >> have you talked to jon about how you will do the show. >> yes, i have. >> reporter: can you share a tidbits. >> he said you will have fun. >> reporter: pressure is on colbert for tomorrow night's big premiere. >> that first week or so, maybe in the even couple of weeks we have had all this time to prepare and put things in the can and it really is an opportunity to put your best foot forward. >> reporter: colbert is taking over the slot that david letterman held for 22 years. just before letterman's final show, colbert also asked the late night legend for advice. >> do you mind me asking you a few questions. he said in one has ever asked me these questions before i said in one had asked you. they seem like basic
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questions. well who would necessity to ask them, how many people would even understand the answers i have given you. i said that is nice, we are two guys talking shop. we have a very unusual job. that was a very nice way of him handing me the keys. >> reporter: one of those keys fits the door to the late she historic home on broadway. we got a sneak peak inside. thinks where audience will file in and get a first look the at the renovations. >> we have restored it back to the 1927 theater. it is beautiful architecture. it is, it is, just a beautiful, and happy spot to be on that stage. >> reporter: it is almost, show time. susan marquez, cbs news, new york. ed sullivan would say himself it will be a riveting show. that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00, philadelphia's made in america concert but never made it home. we have new information about the couple killed when they were hit by a taxi overnight.
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traffic snarled by a car fire caught on cameras traffic could be a mess because of people heading home from labor day destinations, kate. it the is a beautiful labor day evening on the sky deck, coming up, still planning on throwing burgers on the grill and stretching out this day as long as you can, i will have your evening forecast for barbecues and your best back to school and work to reality forecast for working to up. flyers fanatic wants to by, the pittsburgh penguins and he wants to you help. we will tell but his scheme, "eyewitness news" at starts right now. breaking news about 80 acres of forest are on fire in burlington county, new jersey. we have chopper three live over that scene in wood land township. this is in the area of just north of route 72, we necessity an air tanker is battling the blaze along the fire fighters who are on the ground there. in word on what caused this
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fire, or if there are any injuries, right now but we will continue to update you on this story throughout the night. our other top story tonight is tragedy after the made in america concert in philadelphia good evening, i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. we have new information about the local woman hit and killed earlier this morning. a 25 year-old phoenixville woman was one of the two pedestrian hit by a cab crossing broad street. "eyewitness news" reporter david spun t is live in phoenixville with more on this deadly accident, david. >> reporter: they are name was amanda a degrilamo, 25 years old and she grew up not far where i'm standing near phoenixville high school. people are upset about this. she was with 25 year-old brian bot ti, from baltimore, maryland. they were crossing broad street near arch street just a couple blocks from city hall, 4:30 in the morning this was several hours after the concert ended and police say that is when a taxi driver, a 41 year-old taxi driver, of the rosemont taxi


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